User Guide

Let's parse, analyse and visualise spatial data in Pharo!

During this GSoC, I mainly worked on the two following GitHub repositories:

  • OGC-Pharo: the Pharo object-oriented model based on Simple Feature Access standards

  • GeoJSON: the GeoJSON parser to obtain the OGC-Pharo objects model generated by a GeoJSON file

Parse a GeoJSON

Example GeoJSON files are provided in GeoJSONExamples class, in "geojson examples" protocol.

You can parse your GeoJSON file as a string, and obtain generated object model, using "GeoJSONReader class >> fromString:".

GeoJSONReader fromString:(GeoJSONExamples barsLilleGJ).

You can parse your GeoJSON file giving an URL as parameter, using "GeoJSONReader class >> #fromURL:".

GeoJSONReader fromURL: ''.

Note: you can also parse a KML file by loading KML parsing project here.

Inspect object model

Once you obtain your OGCObject (a FeatureCollection, a Feature or a Geometry), you can inspect and visualise it at the same time.


The OGCObject inspector contains 2 added tabs: "Map" & "Map with Tiles".

"Map" inspector tab renders a visualisation of geometries.

"Map with Tiles" inspector tab renders a visualisation on a map background.

Both tabs compute the most suitable zoom level to be displayed in a space of 3x2 tiles = 768x512 px.

"Map" tab
"Map with Tiles" tab

You can also visualise your model in an independant way with: "OGCViewerMorph>>#displayObject:". You can combine it with "OGCViewerMorph class>>#withMapTiles:" to custom your display settings.

Display feature information

If you click on a feature on a visualisation, a window appears with :

  • the detail of associate properties

  • a button to inspect clicked feature

After clicking on feature

[TO DO] Zoom + move map

Perform operations

You can call analysis methods like intersection, inclusion, length, etc, ... detailed in Simple Feature Access specifications.

More information about spatial reference system's operations in OGC-Pharo model page.

Geometrical operations

We consider that geometries are located in the same plane.

Spatial reference system package to use: OGC-Geometry
Spatial reference system class to use: OGCGeometricProjection

Spherical operations

We consider that geometries are located on Earth as a perfect sphere with ray of 6372.795477598 km.

Spatial reference system package to use: OGC-Spheric
Spatial reference system class to use: OGCSphericSystem

About styling

There are several ways to custom geospatial objects appearance.

For now, you can edit:

  • filling color with fill

  • fill opacity with fill-opacity

  • stroke color with stroke

  • stroke width with stroke-width

Default style

Default style is set in the "style" protocol of OGCGeometry class:

  • default filling color: white for Polygons

  • default fill opacity: 0.5 for Polygons

  • default stroke color: red

  • default stroke width: 2

Apply a global style with GeoJSON integration

A custom style can be directly found in GeoJSON file, in the 'geometry' dictionary of a feature, alongside type and coordinates. Style must be a dictionary of strings using following keys: "fill", "fill-opacity", "stroke" and "stroke-width".

"GeoJSONExamples class >> #aMultiPolygonGJ" is a great example of style integration to GeoJSON.

GeoJSONExamples class >> #aMultiPolygon: example execution

Apply a global style with a method

You can obtain the same result using "OGCObject >> #applyStyle:" method. This method takes a dictionary as argument, with proper style keys and values as if they were integrated to GeoJSON.

You can generate an appropriate dictionary with "OGCObject class >> #createStyleDictionary:" method, which takes an array with the four string values in following order: #( <fill> <fill-opacity> <stroke> <stroke-width>). For example: #('orange' '0.6' 'black' '2').

Write "nil" if you don't want to change one of given parameters. For example, #('green' nil nil nil) will only change filling color, and keep default values for other style parameters.

This is an example applied on "GeoJSONExamples class >> #aMultiPolygon":

#applyStyle: method execution

Apply a style with feature conditions with a method

You can decide to change the appearance of some features according to custom rules.

To apply a style under conditions, you can call "OGCObject>>#applyStyle:ifFeature:" method.

This method takes:

  • first, a style dictionary - as seen in previous paragraph

  • then, a block closure which takes a feature as variable and defines conditions that the features should respect to get given style applied

NOTE: to run the following example, you need to load NeoCSV

To study an example with metropolitan French regions, launch
"GeoJSONExamples class>>#regionsFranceMetropoleApplyStyleIfPopulation"
It displays French regions with a different color according to the number of inhabitants:

  • red if regional population > 10 000 000 inhabitants

  • orange if regional population > 5 000 000 inhabitants

  • green otherwise

#applyStyle:ifFeature method execution with the coloration of metropolitan French regions according to their population(numerical data source:

Apply a style with feature conditions with a CSV data file

You can load a CSV file with practical data to use for styling!

It's a way easier and faster than coding a condition block closure with the method we present above.

You have 3 different styling types.

[ TO DO ] Classification with tags

A given color is applied when the value of a given property equals to a given tag

[ TO DO ] Classification with numbers

A color is applied when the value of a given property is found in a range of given numerical values

Continuous coloration with numbers

The opacity changes proportionally to the numerical value of a given property

Use "OGCObject>>#applyContinuousColorationOn:withFeatureData:withAssociateKey:withColor:" method, with following arguments:

  • apply continuous coloration on: the data key to use from your CSV

  • with feature data: your CSV as a parsed object (you can use NeoCSV Pharo package)

  • with associate key: the key which is common to feature properties and your CSV, used to join them

  • with color: the color to scale for display

This is an example with the number of cinema screens per metropolitan French region.

We applied especially here:
model applyContinuousColorationOn: 'nbEcrans' withFeatureData: csv withAssociateKey: 'code' withColor: 'blue'.

You can display it launching "GeoJSONExamples class>>#nbCinemaScreensPerFrenchRegion".

Continuous coloration based on the number of cinema screens per French region

In fact, the opacity of blue fill-color changes with the number of cinema screens per region "nbEcrans", given in following CSV (based on open data from :

You can also display a continuous coloration per French region, based on the number of cinema entries ("GeoJSONExamples class>>#millionNumberOfEntriesPerFrenchRegion") or the average profit per entry in € ("GeoJSONExamples class>>#averageProfitPerEntryPerFrenchRegion").

Continuous coloration based on the number of cinema entries per French region
Continuous coloration based on the average profit per entry per French region